January 25, 2012

What got into me?

So in sticking to New Year Resolutions, I know I may have skipped a blog. So to make up for it I will have another posted by Sunday!

This is about my other resolution... I have kept to my resolution of trying to get back into shape. As blogged before I have been doing the Jillian Michaels DVD and decided that was just not enough for me. Don't get me wrong that is a tough workout but at this point for me I need more. I get impatient when I do not see results. I know, I know it takes time to see results. I have just noticed that this body is not 20 anymore and wont snap back into shape like it once did. I use to be able to run for a week or two and things would start to feel back to normal. Now, not so much.... soooooo.....

I am starting to run 6 days a week and either yoga or my DVD's. I had done some yoga at home 2 nights ago and it was not easy. I attended a yoga flow class last night and it felt great, but still not easy. I left a little mad at myself for not keeping up with my fitness and yoga. I am definitely not as flexible as I was and the poses were/are challenging. I think I had forgotten or maybe not realized how much yoga helps.

What really made me realize how much it helps... well I think maybe this had something to do with it... was today I went for a run, 30 min was what I had planned on doing. Recently while running I have had no desire to go any further than my normal 3 miles or 30 min. I also would put off running to the very last part of my day. It was painful to think about. Today I set out to run 30 min and finished my run an hour later. It felt great! I finally got that feeling again, I enjoyed my run. Maybe it was the perfect weather, the perfect temp, the perfect surroundings, maybe it was yoga and the mindset it gives you, or maybe it was the fact that I have to get into a bathing suit in about a month. Only time will tell!

I am very excited to have this feeling of motivation back!!!

Simply Meg

January 16, 2012


So I have been spending 20 min a day with the lovely Jillian Michaels. In my last blog I vowed to get back in better shape. She vows that if I do her workout for 30 days straight I will be SHREDDED!!! Well so far I am 12 days in and have had a sore ass all the way to sore elbows. I thought that I was in pretty good shape..... well for running I guess. I am working muscles that might not have been worked since college... Which sad to say was a few few years ago... 

When I first bought the dvd I was in Costco. A friend of mine had been raving about Jillian so when I saw her videos I wanted them. While contemplating my purchase a woman walked up. I asked if she liked the videos and she said, " Oh my god I looked phenomenal when I went to the dominion republic!" I stepped back and looked at her, wondering.... What happened... I bought 3 of the DVDs.

So I have been doing it for 12 days and only have missed one day.... I thought that by now I would be feeling great..... I have gained weight.....the opposite of what I wanted..... How does that happen? They do say muscle weighs more than fat....geez.

So as of today I am going to run and do the workout and see how that works for me.... Keep your fingers crossed and I will def keep you posted!!!!

January 6, 2012


A new year brings new resolutions..... What really is a resolution? Is it something you want to become better at, is it a promise to yourself, is it some sort of bucket list for the year? Well by definition:

New Years Resolution: is a commitment that a person makes to one or more lasting personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit.

I want to look at it as a promise, goals, improvements, and bucket list thrown all together!

Last year was an amazing year. My resolution was that I was to put 2010 behind me and discover who I really was, simply make myself happy. Accomplished! I think that was the first resolution that lasted more than the month of January. So this year I have a few more things on my list. 

In 2012 I want to:
Get back in shape
Run and beat Oprah in a marathon
Budget better and save
Blog at least once a week
Finish my new cookbook
Not to sweat the small stuff... As Dan Blank would say, "control the controlables" - and you thought I never listened...

So not too outrageous and completely accomplishable.... Last year was awesome and I am looking to make 2012 even better.....

What a difference a year makes!!!
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